Protecting your Designs by increasing our Security

All businesses are interested in protecting their confidential information and product intellectual property. We, at Protomatic, are no different and wanted to inform our customers of the various measures that we have established in order to secure such information. Although we are not a large target, like the US Government, the IMF, or a company such as Boeing or Lockheed Martin, we must be vigilant in all forms of security.
Customer Agreements NDA/ PIA
Non Disclosure Agreements (NDA) and Proprietary Information Agreements (PIA) are administered on a customer basis. Additionally, NDAs are required from our employees and critical vendors.
On Site Security
Recently there have been some changes at Protomatic. Not only have electronic locks and security cameras been increased and upgraded, but also our procedures have been changed to reflect the growing need for corporate security. While we have not had any issues, the increase in our security measures has been driven by the changes in ITAR requirements. We embrace these requirements for all of our customers.
International Traffic in Arms Regulations is a licensing board focused on preventing military parts from being shipped to enemies of the state. The following are some of the guidelines taken from the “Department of Defense Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace Partnership” program.
A recent survey released in June by Juniper Networks put some numbers to the problem. In the poll, 90% of business leaders said their networks had been hacked at least once in the past year.
In view of this, here are some of our activities and investments that protect your data.
We require password changes, control incoming software, avoid cloud computing, prevent wireless Local Area Network (LAN) access, limit personnel with Internet access, VPN (Virtual Private Network). We also reduce risk with an Internet Monitor and secure server that limits access to critical data.
Our LAN is continuously monitored with Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and special software to monitor the update status. Additionally, updates are installed daily for anti-virus,-spy,-spam, and URL Filters which prevents access to/from suspect web sites. A globally high restriction firewall with URL Filtering, Device Control, Network Virus and Behavior Monitoring is utilized as a safety net.
For customers requiring higher security, we have recently installed PGP encryption software as well as fire/water proof backups and a storage safe to protect electronic data and printed documents.
In summary, your confidential designs, files, and information are protected at Protomatic through a variety of security measures we have in place. We are serious about protecting your intellectual property as well as all your sensitive material and information.