Tsugami TMA8-III Mill Turn

To meet our customers’ increasing production demands, Protomatic recently purchased a Tsugami TMA8-III Multi Axis CNC. This Multi Axis CNC combines both turning and milling processes in one 8-Axis CNC machine. This level of automation is typically available to customers demanding medium or high run jobs. However, we will now offer this capability to even small and medium run jobs.
Front of Tsugami TMA8-III
This box-like appearance is all business. The TMA8-III is optimized for functionality and performance. The machining deck is easily accessible by the operator as is the Fanuc18i -TB control panel. On the right is the carousel that holds 60 tools.
CAM Programming
This CAM programming is nothing new to Protomatic. We have been utilizing CAM based programming since the 1980s. However, today more powerful software is available to deal with the complexity of the high multiple axis machines. This programming ability provides more tool selection, approach capabilities, and flexibility to fabricate complex parts at reasonable prices.
Main Turning Spindle and Milling Head
Shown above is a wireless Ball Bar testing unit attached to the main and milling spindles. The Ball Bar program creates a circle parallel to the bed. This is just one test we use to qualify our machines for production. With this technique, machine accuracy is evaluated for repeatability at micron levels. The sub-spindle is retracted and not shown.
Our New Addition
Tsugami TMA8-III
At Protomatic we are eager to utilize this Multi Axis technology in a Prototype and Medium run environment. This machine is so capable that we can now manufacture almost any part without multiple fixture setups. This machine can accommodate a 2.2” Bar, with 8.66” maximum machining diameter and a maximum machining length of 22.8”.
CAM Programming
The center photo in the left column is a lathe profile that is typically the first programming step. Subsequent milling operations are then programmed and integrated with other operations using a superposition technique. The software then simulates the part fabrication sequencing and evaluates it with machine motion for program confirmation and machine crash protection.
What this means to our customers
If Protomatic was known for high precision parts before, we just upped our game to a new level with this CNC machine. This machine will deliver greater multi- dimensional and location accuracy for our customers’ precision parts.
Features and Options include
8” Chuck Main Spindle,
(25 Pk Hp, 5000 RPM)
6” Chuck Sub Spindle,
(10 Pk Hp 7000 RPM)
Milling Head,
(7.5 Pk Hp, 10,000 RPM,
B Axis -15 to 195 Deg)
1000 psi High Pressure Coolant
Flood Coolant (3)
Rapids to 1574 ipm in Z
Tool to Tool: 0.8 Sec.
Air Blast (4)
60 Tool ATC
Glass Scales
Renishaw Touch off Probes
IR Renishaw Tool Probe OMP40
Bar Feeder Interface
Electrostatic Mist Collector